Monday, November 19, 2018

Arrivals and Departures


The climax of the anticipation and preparation. The eager wait to be ensconced in all things familiar - the sights, smells and sounds of homeland. The familiarity and warmth of the arms that embrace you. Or the excitement of going to a new country, city or even continent. Of stepping into uncertainty, not knowing what this vacation or relocation bodes. The simultaneous buzz of excitement and anxiety that seizes you as you step into the unfamiliar. 

Months of waiting and hours of pain. But there is ecstasy at the end of this agony. Of seeing the tiny creature you created and incubated in your body. Celebrations and jubilation at the addition of the newest member to the family. The excitement of bringing the new one from hospital to home. The new arrival after which life ceases to be the same. Ever. 


Preparing to transplant oneself back again. The end of the getaway that was temporary. Overwhelming emotions that eventually find it's way as a trickle down the cheek. Happiness at the memories made and time spent, overcast with the imminent end of it all. The hesitant goodbyes. The collective sigh at the retreating figures, for those remaining behind. Of hoping to see them soon. 

The dreaded wait outside the OT or ICU. The endless pacing back and forth. Imagining the worst-case scenarios and yet praying for the best outcome. Sometimes it's a long drawn wait for Death to come calling. And sometimes, a sudden and cruel quirk of fate - an accident, an infection, a sudden downward spiral of health, a heart attack. The goodbyes that one's never EVER prepared for. Coming to terms that the person you knew has vacated the body; that it's the last you will see of them. Of the disbelief that they no longer exist. Of life with them playing as a random slideshow in the head. And imagining a future without them. 

Footnote - Airports and Hospitals. They share the irony of being the place that witnesses joy and despair in parallel.

P.S. It has been ages (specifically, THREE whole years!) since I posted here. I was casually checking my blog the other day and alarm bells went off in my head. I, in fact, scrolled through my blog, read random posts and sat in disbelief for a minute (or two). Did I write those? Was it me, really?

I don't know what excuse to offer - well, that's what it'd be - to get writing get away from me. Or vice versa. This is a blog I started in 2006. And although never prolific, I have always come back to it and penned down my thoughts. Since I've turned up after such a hiatus, I won't make tall promises. But I'll try to be faithful to this little piece of myself on the WWW. There's a part of me reflected here, and I would like to keep going for as long as I can.


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